What defines our identity?

Show notes

On the seventh episode of Tearing Down Walls – and the first of the new year! – we reflect on identity and the places we call home.

Host Sylvia Cunningham talks with Antoni Maiovvi, a UK-born, New Haven-based DJ who hosts NEU/BODY on our partner station WNHU; Donna Swarthout, editor of "A Place They Called Home: Reclaiming Citizenship. Stories of a New Jewish Return to Germany," and daughter Olivia Swarthout; and University of New Haven president Steven Kaplan.

Also check out our other SUNSHINE LIVE podcasts: Behind the scenes interviews from festivals and clubs with techno DJ Felix Kröcher, honest looks at drug use in the nightlife, including safer use tips, travel recommendations from DJs and many more. Find them at sunshine-live.de/podcasts, in the SUNSHINE LIVE app or right here on this podcast platform.

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