Pandemic 2.0: Are we on the road to recovery?

Show notes

One thing is for certain: The pandemic hasn’t gone away. But with vaccines in both countries readily available, the odds are different. How are the U.S. and Germany tackling the next phase of the pandemic when it comes to travel, university life, and cultural offerings? Are we closer to getting our old freedoms back, or is there still no end in sight?

On the third episode of Tearing Down Walls, host Sylvia Cunningham talks with Erik Kirschbaum, a Berlin-based American journalist and executive director of the German-American exchange program RIAS; Savannah Papuga, a dental hygiene student at the University of New Haven; Jonathan Dreusch, a German student from fzs, an umbrella organization of student groups in Germany; Detlef Diederichsen, who heads the department of music and performing arts at Berlin's Haus der Kulturen der Welt; and Jessica Gelt, an arts and culture reporter for the LA Times.

Also check out our other SUNSHINE LIVE podcasts: Behind the scenes interviews from festivals and clubs with techno DJ Felix Kröcher, honest looks at drug use in the nightlife, including safer use tips, travel recommendations from DJs and many more. Find them at, in the SUNSHINE LIVE app or right here on this podcast platform.

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