Welcome to Tearing Down Walls

Show notes

Tearing Down Walls is a new monthly program out of Berlin aiming to connect and find understanding with a new generation across the Atlantic.

Germany and the United States may be longtime allies, but polls in the last few years have revealed major cracks. A study released in May 2021 found that about a third of Germans believe that democracy in their country is threatened by influence from the U.S. But studies also show that young people in both countries are the most optimistic about the transatlantic relationship.

On the premiere episode of Tearing Down Walls, host Sylvia Cunningham explores the bond between the two nations with three Fulbright recipients and alums: Alyssa Culp, an American Ph.D. candidate in Bavaria; Sophia Dasch, a German masters student who studied at Brown University; and Sascha Daniels, an American masters/Ph.D. student and communications and outreach office for Fulbright Noir, a platform that highlights the experiences of Black Fulbrighters.

Also check out our other SUNSHINE LIVE podcasts: Behind the scenes interviews from festivals and clubs with techno DJ Felix Kröcher, honest looks at drug use in the nightlife, including safer use tips, travel recommendations from DJs and many more. Find them at sunshine-live.de/podcasts, in the SUNSHINE LIVE app or right here on this podcast platform.

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