How do we build resilience amid crisis?

Show notes

Between the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, and the climate crisis, it’s hard not to feel crushed by the weight of everything all at once. So in this episode of Tearing Down Walls, we’re talking about how we cope in these times – how crises affect us and how we might build resilience to get through them.

Host Sylvia Cunningham talks with Ukrainian disco DJ Liubov, who fled from Odesa to Berlin in March, and we reconnect with a Ukrainian refugee whom we introduced you to last month. We also hear from the hosts of the "Climate Change and Happiness" podcast: Oregon-based clinical and environmental psychologist Thomas Doherty and Finland-based climate emotions researcher Panu Pihkala. And to better understand the impact of crises on children and youth, we talk with Julia Asbrand, child and youth psychotherapist and junior professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin and Melissa Whitson, a psychology professor at the University of New Haven.

Also check out our other SUNSHINE LIVE podcasts: Behind the scenes interviews from festivals and clubs with techno DJ Felix Kröcher, honest looks at drug use in the nightlife, including safer use tips, travel recommendations from DJs and many more. Find them at, in the SUNSHINE LIVE app or right here on this podcast platform.

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